NB: This is just an introductory tips, tips to quickly understand the next tips.
First of all we need is unity and spirit! Because that is in need when a team of terror in lux is the speed and kekompokan team itself in order to win each round. How canso that we can quickly adapt to the team?
1. Understand the Enemy Spot
2. Understand Map
3. heard a voice, whether it's a step, radio friends and chat.
4. Move quickly, so as not to miss and be a burden to friends.
After four of the above you understand, do not forget the most important thing is AIM.Where you aim to be really good and feeling you are right, and remember neverhasty and panic, and if you can kill your friends percayadiri not forget ya .. join theteam or move close to your friends, or to say you back up your team friends.Remember! We play in a team, not individual.
NB: This is just an introductory tips, tips to quickly understand the next tips.
First of all we need is unity and spirit! Because that is in need when a team of terror in lux is the speed and kekompokan team itself in order to win each round. How canso that we can quickly adapt to the team?
1. Understand the Enemy Spot
2. Understand Map
3. heard a voice, whether it's a step, radio friends and chat.
4. Move quickly, so as not to miss and be a burden to friends.
After four of the above you understand, do not forget the most important thing is AIM.Where you aim to be really good and feeling you are right, and remember neverhasty and panic, and if you can kill your friends percayadiri not forget ya .. join theteam or move close to your friends, or to say you back up your team friends.Remember! We play in a team, not individual.
NB: Ini hanyalah tips perkenalan, agar lbh cepat memahami tips berikutnya lebih detail.
Pertama-tama yang kita butuhkan adalah kekompakan dan semangat ! Karena yang sangat di butuhkan saat menjadi team teror di lux adalah kecepatan dan kekompokan team itu sendiri agar dapat memenangkan tiap round. Bagaimana agar kita dapat cepat beradaptasi dengan team ??
1. Pahami Spot Musuh
2. Pahami Map
3. Jelilah mendengar suara, baik itu step, radio teman dan chat.
4. Bergeraklah cepat, agar tidak ketinggalan dan menjadi beban bagi teman.
Setelah 4 hal di atas kalian pahami, jangan lupa yang paling penting adalah AIM. Dimana aim kalian harus benar-benar sudah bagus dan feeling kalian tepat, dan ingat jangan pernah gegabah dan panik, serta jika kalian tidak percayadiri dapat membunuh teman ya lupakan.. bergabunglah atau mendekatlah kepada teman team kalian, atau bisa dikatakan kalian memback-up teman team kalian. Ingat !! Kita bermain secara team, bukan individual.
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